Saturday, May 2, 2020

Peel Me

My body is like a sack of potatoes
Hibernated, lumpy and out of place in certain contexts
Borne from the earth, wrought from dirt,
Drawing from the elements to refine myself
For a purpose I cannot fathom or comprehend
Dirty and raw, it must be scoured and peeled
Individually, as it is comprised of not one but many
Individual chonks of potential unaware of their
Individual worth

Thursday, February 20, 2020


Creature jitters inside me
Or really it's just me jitters
My jitters
Just vibrating, brimming with some sort of
Something like that
A heightened sense of awareness of an internal construct
propped up, made up entirely
out of speculation
I can't help but hold myself in place
Unable to move
one way or another
Just shiver and wait
Until I'm jittered out
So I can give in
To exHaustion